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Cat Portraits - Cat Head Studies - Portrait Archive

Cats Gallery 5
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Nermal - white and grey cat



I think it's brilliant! Very
like her and just as I remember her. Thanks very much.
Many thanks for the lovely portrait of Creasey. Thank you for your intuitive work - you really capture the spirit and character as well as the physical features of our pets. (Creasey and Jeff)

It is adorable, you really have caught the essence of her! I am so pleased with this I really
appreciate that when you look at the picture you see the devil in her as well as the fact that she is a girl comes over straight away.
sooooo chuffed :-)


cat portrait Bruiser


, Sally I can’t think of a better tribute to give him than the one you’ve gave us, thanks.....the more I look the more I see the old boy in there, always thinking, always half asleep but always up for mischief

It really floored me for a while - we lost Bruiser about 6 years ago and although I often look at photos, it was strange to see her almost in the flesh again.

Sox looks lovely, even better on paper! Thanks very much.

cat - frieda


You have captured our Frieda beautifully! We miss her so & this is a fine tribute to her that we will be proud to display. Thankyou so much! You do lovely work.
I am delighted - thankyou!
I'm impressed you could get such a likeness with only one small photo to go on.

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Pet Portraits Gallery: portraits4pets.com About the Artist: sallylogue.co.uk
All content and pet portraits are the copyright © of Sally Logue UK 1991 - present date

Sally Logue, 8 Roods Drive, Kirkoswald, Penrith, Cumbria CA10 1EH. Tel: 01768 898495